Published: Sept. 19, 2024

The Research & Innovation Office (RIO) has opened RIO Faculty Fellows 2025 cohort applications, which will be accepted through November 8. Selections will be announced in November. 

RIO Faculty Fellows identifies tenured and tenure-track professors who are poised to lead significant collaborative projects, develop vision and deliver novel and impactful scholarly work. The cohort-based program framework includes both retreats and periodic shorter meetings, as well as the development of a scholarly network that extends beyond the formal training itself.

“I’ve seen firsthand how this program makes a difference for our faculty in their personal and career development,” said Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation and Dean of the Institutes Massimo Ruzzene. “I’ve participated in retreats with the Faculty Fellows and experienced how the program impacts the future performance of the Fellows individually, in addition to the collective impact the program has on our campus community.”

Massimo Ruzzene I’ve participated in retreats with the Faculty Fellows and experienced how the program impacts the future performance of the Fellows individually, in addition to the collective impact the program has on our campus community.”

—Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation and Dean of the Institutes Massimo Ruzzene

The program aims to identify a network of CU Boulder research leaders who are experts in their respective fields and equip them with the skills and capacity to lead collaborations across campus while also strengthening the university’s reputation nationally and globally through new collaborations beyond the campus.  

RIO Faculty Fellows engages fellows as individuals and as a cohort on:

  • Research and creative work leadership
  • Collaboration and systems thinking
  • Team building and academic management
  • Scholarly communication and values
  • Personal and professional coaching

Complementing other prominent faculty leadership programs on campus, the RIO Faculty Fellows program is an investment in CU Boulder faculty and in the university as a global leader in research, innovation and impact.

Please visit the Faculty Fellows website to learn more or submit an application, or contact Kirsten Rowell with additional questions at

In their own words

“This program enables faculty to expand their capacity for effective leadership in a way that directly benefits their research groups, departments and institutes, and the university as a whole. It also facilitates connections among faculty from diverse backgrounds who are likely to ascend to campus leadership positions.”—2023 cohort member

“The program taught me essential skills for leading my group, working with colleagues and assuming leadership.”—2024 cohort member

“The RIO Faculty Fellows program is a unique program that provides space and time to expand one's professional network across campus, to reflect on goals and consider strategies for accomplishing them, to engage in reflective practice to check in with self/self-assessment, and to build/deepen/be reminded of tangible, useful skills/concepts to support strong leadership practices.”—2023 cohort member