Education Research Speaker Series

教育研究演讲系列以博彩平台推荐学者的最新教育研究为特色, alumni and leading experts from other institutions. Open to everyone and a Q&A will follow each talk. 

Join us on Oct. 11:

Trish Morita-Mullaney在劳和布朗的交汇处:为公平教育而将语言权利和种族融合历史化

In this research talk, Associate Professor Trish Morita-Mullaney will discuss the seminal Supreme Court language rights case, Lau v. Nichols (1974), 发现旧金山联合学区未能提供足够和适当的教学计划,800名不会说英语的华裔学生被剥夺了接受公共教育的机会. In this session, Morita-Mullaney will illuminate the stories of Cantonese-Chinese teachers, administrators, students, 律师和社会活动家,以及他们如何将种族融合的目标与他们的语言权利相结合. 

Trish Morita-Mullaney 是普渡大学语言与读写系的副教授,并在亚裔美国人研究系获得礼遇. Her research focuses on the intersections between language learning, gender and race and how this informs the identity acts of educators of multilingual communities. Guided by critical and feminist thought, 她研究了这些重叠的身份如何影响多语言家庭的教育决策逻辑. She has studied the Lau case and how it was developed, experienced, and implemented by the Chinese American community of San Francisco, representing the original history and voice of Lau. Her book, Lau v. Nichols and Chinese American Language Rights: The Sunrise and Sunset of Bilingual Education was published in 2024 chronicling this story of language rights.

  • When: Friday, Oct. 11 from 1:30-2:30 p.m.
  • Where: Miramontes Baca Education Building, Room 171

Open to everyone — Q&A will follow the talk. Stay for the reception after from 2:30-3 p.m.

The seminal Supreme Court language rights case, Lau v. Nichols(1974)发现旧金山联合学区未能提供足够和适当的教学计划,800 students of Chinese ancestry who did not speak English, which denied them a meaningful opportunity to participate in a public education. In the fields of bilingual education and language policy, 法例被认为是一个全国性的个案,改变了双语教育的法律环境,允许双语教育在学校提供给多民族语言群体, the Cantonese-Chinese included.
Lau passed just as mandatory busing for racial integration was being implemented city-wide. In this session, the stories of Cantonese-Chinese teachers, administrators, students, lawyers, 社会活动家们阐明了他们是如何将种族融合的目标与他们的语言权利相结合的. Using the framing of negative liberty, which claims that every child deserves the same education is juxtaposed with positive liberty, which asserts that the same education is never an equal education (Berlin, 1958; Thompson, 2013). 由此可见,博彩平台推荐有必要将汉语教育历史化,并建立跨种族和语言的好奇团结联盟,以改变学校和社区,实现语言和种族的平等. 


Upcoming speakers

  • Please contact Joseph Polman 如果你是教职员工或研究生有兴趣在博彩平台推荐的研究演讲系列中发表演讲.

Past speakers


In this research talk, 助理教授Molly Hamm-Rodríguez将讨论多米尼加共和国民族志和青年参与行动研究的发现,该研究不仅揭示了青年劳动力发展计划如何与不平等的劳动力市场联系在一起,而且还揭示了青年自己如何与旅游业谈判战略纠纷. Hamm-Rodríguez是南佛罗里达大学助理教授和博彩平台推荐2023年教育学院杰出论文研究奖获得者.

注重从学校到工作的转变的教育政策和实践经常将教育系统与当地生产性劳动力市场联系起来(多尔蒂) & Lombardi, 2016). 随着教育和就业倡议旨在解决年轻人所拥有的技能与雇主所要求的技能之间的差距, 技能培养被定位为一条通往年轻人个人和更广泛的社会问题预期结果的途径(D’angelo), 2022). 然而,全球相互联系的劳动力市场的政治经济影响着新获得的技能如何被不同地重视和报酬(布朗) & DeNeve, 2023). In the Caribbean, the restructuring of the plantation economy to the resort economy (Pantojas García, (2016)保持外部依赖的动态,通过剥削促进外国财富积累, racialized labor. This presentation, 基于在多米尼加共和国进行的为期12个月的人种学和青年参与行动研究(基于13年的合作), reveals not only how youth workforce development programs may be tied to unequal labor markets, but also how youth themselves negotiate strategic entanglements (Bonilla, 2015) with tourism. 年轻人积极地重建和重新设想他们的生活愿景,而这些愿景往往是由别人提出的, 揭示了从以雇主为中心的模式(这种模式加深了不平等)转向解决年轻人在工作中所经历的伤害的启示.


When: Wednesday, May 1 at 2:45-3:45 p.m.

Exploring Ethnoracial & Gender Bias in Denver Public Schools' Teacher Evaluation System

In this research talk, Associate Professor Mimi Engel 将讨论丹佛公立学校的多指标教师评价系统的分析,重点是确定该系统的某些方面是否可能对边缘群体的教师有偏见. 

  • When: Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 2:45-3:45 p.m.

Analyzing Denver Public Schools’ multiple measure teacher evaluation system, Leading Effective Academic Practice (LEAP), became a part of the Teacher Workforce Collaborative’s (TWC*) research agenda in 2021. In conversation with District leaders, we learned that both DPS and other key stakeholders including DPS’ teachers union, the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA), 是否有兴趣对LEAP进行评估,重点是确定该系统的某些方面是否可能对边缘群体的教师有偏见. In collaboration with DPS, TWC members, and other DPS leaders and stakeholders, 博彩平台推荐开发了一个工作范围,用于评估特定LEAP评级因教师种族/民族和性别而系统性变化的程度.

We focus on three aspects of LEAP identified by DPS as areas for analysis and evaluation. These include a “Professionalism” sub-measure, the observation of a teacher’s classroom “Learning Environment”, 以及当分数落在两个可能的评分之间时,使用“决策带和/或框”来确定最终评分结果.

DPS的教师队伍——就像大多数美国城市学区一样——在教师队伍的种族组成和所服务的学生之间存在着严重的不协调. For example, in 2018, 13% of DPS students were Black compared with 4% of teachers, and 55% of DPS students were Latine compared with 17% of teachers. This talk draws from a report that is currently under review by our DPS partners. Results and recommendations will be discussed.

*TWC, established in 2018, 是DPS与科罗拉多大学博尔德教育学院和弗吉尼亚大学的研究人员之间的研究实践伙伴关系吗